Custom Navigation

It is also possible to add additional navigation points via a custom theme. You have to add a navi.json file with the following content.

    "target": "_blank",
    "position": 90,
    "icon": "M5 5H7V11H5V5M10 5H8V11H10V5M5 19H7V13H5V19M10 13H8V19H10V17H15V15H10V13M2 21H4V3H2V21M20 3V7H13V5H11V11H13V9H20V15H18V13H16V19H18V17H20V21H22V3H20Z"


title: string (requirement)

title is the name of the new navigation point.

href: string (requirement)

This is the path/url to link to.

target: string

With this option you can specify whether the link is opened in a new tab or in the same window. possible values here are _self and _blank.

position: integer

This value is used to sort the navigation. All normal navigation points are numbered in steps of 10 (Dashboard: 10, Webcam: 20, Console: 30, ... Machine: 90). Simply set a value in between to place the new navipoint between two default points.

icon: string

A custom icon can be added to the navigation point. This can be copied from the material design icons. To do this, open the page, open an icon and click on "copy SVG". All you need is the path. Hier the example from the account icon:

// complete SVG
<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 24 24">
<path d="M12,4A4,4 0 0,1 16,8A4,4 0 0,1 12,12A4,4 0 0,1 8,8A4,4 0 0,1 12,4M12,14C16.42,14 20,15.79 20,18V20H4V18C4,15.79 7.58,14 12,14Z" />

// what we need
M12,4A4,4 0 0,1 16,8A4,4 0 0,1 12,12A4,4 0 0,1 8,8A4,4 0 0,1 12,4M12,14C16.42,14 20,15.79 20,18V20H4V18C4,15.79 7.58,14 12,14Z

Last updated

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