
Thumbnail (since v2.7.0)

In "Expert" mode PrusaSlicer has an option in the "Printer Settings" tab to activate previews. Under General / Firmware, enter 32x32/PNG,400x300/PNG as "G-code thumbnails".

Thumbnail (since v2.3.0)

Enable Exclude Object

In PrusaSlicer you have to select Firmware-specific in:

Print Settings > Output options > Output file > Label objects

This setting will enable Exclude Object

Direct G-code from slicer

Enable advanced or expert mode and change the options under Printer Settings > General as shown in the screenshot below. A “Physical Printer” must be configured in Printer Settings > General.

Best practise G-codes

These custom G-codes are necessary to get the best user experience.

Layer Count

To have Slicer layer counts in Mainsail, you have to add these two G-codes in your custom G-codes in PrusaSlicer:

Start G-code (before your start G-code):


End G-code (at the last line):

; total layers count = [total_layer_count]

After layer change G-code:


Last updated